Countryside grants scheme

Local organisations can apply for funding for countryside projects

We run a grant scheme aimed at local organisations who are looking to run and develop countryside projects that align with our corporate prioritiesSmall, medium and large grants are available up to the value of £10,000.

2025 winners

Find out the groups and schools to benefit from this year’s countryside community grants. We can’t wait to see the great projects in action, including forest school upgrades, a new veggie patch and a sensory garden.

Read more about the countryside community grant recipients 

Grants information

Annually there are eight grants available:  

  • £1,000 – small grant x five available
  • £5,000 – medium grant x one available
  • £10,000 – large grant x two available

Grants cannot support the following:

  • cost of trips or excursions
  • topping up existing projects that are already funded


All projects must be within the our district boundary and meet Hart District Council policy standards in relation to areas such as health and safety, safeguarding and sustainability.

Organisations within the district boundary which can apply include:

  • charitable organisations
  • clubs and societies with a constitution e.g. playgroups and sports clubs
  • community interest companies
  • company limited by guarantee that has tangible social objectives
  • town and parish councils
  • voluntary and community groups or residents’ associations with a formal constitution
  • schools

Applications will not be accepted from:

  • for-profit companies that benefit the directors or shareholders of the company
  • groups that have no formal constitution
  • individuals

Scoring criteria

Once the application has met the eligibility requirements, each application will be assessed against the following criteria:

Criteria Percentage
Biodiversity enhancements / health and wellbeing benefits (dependent on aim of project) 20
Value for money 30
Educational benefit 10
Method 30
Sustainability 10

Biodiversity enhancements: is the environment left in a naturally better state than it was before? How will local wildlife and habitats benefit from the project?

Health and wellbeing: how will your project improve the health and wellbeing or quality of life of those affected by it? 

Value for money: does the application include details on expenditure and are these realistic?

Educational benefit: how will the project improve educational awareness and reach as many people as possible?

Method: is the project plan clear and considered? Does it include detail on how each element of the project will be executed and who will be responsible for it. 

Sustainable: how will the project be managed to maximise future benefits? Is the project carbon friendly? Have sustainable methods been implemented e.g. use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood.

Grants process

  • applications open on 1 August
  • applications close on 31 October
  • winners announced in January
  • projects completed by end of the year

Grant applications must detail the full project plan from initiation through to completion and include how the project will be managed into the future. If you are not sure how to achieve this, clearly outline where there may be areas of support needed from our countryside team; we are happy to help support you if we can.

Projects must be completed within eight months. If this is not possible, clear reasoning must be given within the application as to why this is not possible. Extensions can be granted on request. 

Please read the community grant funding agreement to understand how the grant process is applied.

Send your applications to with the subject line 'Community grants application'.

Grants board

The grants board will meet in December to score all applications against the criteria outlined above. The panel will include:

  • Biodiversity Officer
  • Communities and Engagement Officer
  • Countryside Manager
  • Greenspace Manager
  • Community Project Officer

Applications which are successfully approved by the grants board will be passed to Hart's Section 151 officer for final sign-off. Feedback to successful and unsuccessful bidders will be provided. Unless stated otherwise, applications cannot be resubmitted until the next calendar year.  

The finalists will go through to the senior leadership team which will select the winning projects.

In exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances, Hart District Council may withdraw grants or postpone the grant scheme. This will only happen in circumstances where an agreement has not yet been signed or a purchase order released.

Winners will be required to sign the community grant funding agreement.


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