Chairman of Hart District Council

The role of the Chairman and introducing our current Chairman and Vice-Chairman

About the role of Chairman

The Chairman:

  • is a serving district councillor
  • chairs full Council meetings
  • must remain politically impartial and cannot be a member of the Cabinet
  • is the ceremonial head of the Council and first representative of the district
  • supports local events and functions, raises money for charity and represents the Council and its interests
  • maintains links between Hart and other organisations, both voluntary and commercial
  • promotes the district on visits elsewhere

Our current Chairman

Councillor Dermot Smith was elected as Chairman of Hart District Council at the Annual Meeting on 16 May 2024.

Chairman Councillor Dermot Smith in the Chains of the Chairman

Councillor Dermot Smith

Our current Vice-Chairman

Our current Vice-Chairman is Councillor Chris Dorn.

Councillor Chris Dorn

Councillor Chris Dorn

Invite the Chairman to an event

The Chairman welcomes invitations to attend events held by local organisations such as schools and businesses. Due to demand, the Chairman regrets it may not be possible to accept every invitation. We will contact you within one week should the Chairman be available to attend your event.

To invite the Chairman to your event, please contact the Chairman's secretary on 01252 774143 or email

Chairman's charities

Every year, our elected Chairman chooses charities and causes to support during their year in office. 

For his term in 2024/25 our Chairman has chosen Hart Foodbank and Citizens Advice Hart. Both of these organisations have direct local impact and make a difference to the lives of people in Hart.

Fundraising events

If you have any ideas for an event to raise money for the Chairman's charity, please contact the Chairman's secretary on 01252 774143 or email

Past Chairmen

Details of past Chairmen can be found in the following documents: