
Every effort is made to ensure the information on this website is complete, accurate and reliable. However, we are not responsible for any damage, loss or inconvenience that may arise from unintended inaccuracies or omissions, including but not limited to financial loss or loss of data.

In some cases, we link to third-party information. We do not accept responsibility for the contents or reliability of the linked websites, nor do we accept any liability for their accuracy or content.  

The material on this website, including text, logos and images, is protected by copyright and is owned by Hart District Council unless otherwise stated. Material can be used for private and non-commercial purposes only. The Council must be acknowledged as the copyright owner and our permission must be obtained in writing for any other use. 

We welcome questions, feedback and suggestions about this website.  Please note we may share your responses with others. By using this website, you agree we are free to use your feedback and suggestions for any purpose including but not limited to developing and marketing services.