Petitions to the Council

How do we manage your data?

Who we are:

Committee Services
Hart District Council
Harlington Way
GU51 4AE

Lawful basis for processing information

General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.

How we collect information

Personal data is supplied by people starting or signing an ePetition or registering as a user for notifications.

Categories of information

Name, address, email address and password (ePetition).

How we use the information provided

The information is used to provide a platform to host ePetition and to enable users to register and receive notifications regarding published documents and consultations.

Who has access to the information?

The information is held by Committee Services.

With whom may we share your information?

Submitted petitions are shared with relevant officers and councillors and can be included in agenda paperwork if considered at a council meeting.

Information supplied when someone starts or signs an ePetition is accessible to (Civica UK Ltd) who externally host the council’s ePetition website.

If the petition you sign is an ePetition, your name will be published to the petitions page of the Hart District Council website.

How long we store your information

Signatory names and details are retained for a period of one year from when you register.