The UK General Data Protection Regulation gives people the right to know what personal information Hart District Council holds about them. Access to non-personal information is managed under the Freedom of Information Act. For information about Freedom of Information requests and to make a request please visit our Freedom of Information webpage.
A request for personal information under UK GDPR can be made verbally or in writing. This is known as a subject access request. We don’t charge for providing your information to you. In order to make a subject access request you’ll need to provide the following information:
- your name
- your address
- proof of identity
- enough information to identify your records
You’ll also need to tell us what kind of information you are requesting to enable us to locate the information.
Once you have made a request you will receive an acknowledgement and your request should be answered within one month. Please be aware that in certain circumstances, this may take longer. For more details about what you can expect from us, see the Information Commissioner's website.
If you’d like to make a request, please contact us by email to or in writing to:
Data Protection Officer
Hart District Council
Harlington Way
GU51 4AE