Our Corporate Plan for 2023 to 2027 was approved by Members at the full Council meeting on Thursday 23 February 2023.
View our Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
What's in the plan?
Our Corporate Plan has three focus areas:
planet – tackling climate change is central to all our activities and we plan to lead our community to carbon neutrality. We will produce and implement an action plan. Our ambition is to become a carbon neutral and climate-resilient council by 2035, and district by 2040.
people – we are committed to fair treatment for all, help for those in need and a sustainable economy that makes Hart a great place to live, work and enjoy. We need to continue our people-centred approach which directs wealth back into the local economy and places control and benefits in the hands of people. We will work with our key local partners such as Hampshire County Council, the voluntary sector, local businesses, the Community Safety Partnership, police, NHS, and education providers to provide more local sustainability.
place – we will work to deliver warmer, better homes in sustainable locations that people can afford to live in. Our homes have a huge influence on the quality of all our lives and health. By promoting access to safe, secure, and affordable housing, we can help support people’s wellbeing and create sustainable communities where they can live and work.
We will underpin these focus areas by providing a resilient and financially sound Hart District Council for the next four years.
Each of the focus areas has objectives and targets. The targets outline where we wish to be by 2027.