Armed forces, veterans and families
About armed forces information
Armed forces personnel, their families, veterans and reservists are all important members of the Hart community
The Armed Forces Covenant is a national promise to current and former members of the armed forces and their families. It commits communities to ensure they are treated fairly and with respect.
We re-signed our Hart Armed Forces Community Covenant in May 2023.
In June 2024, Hart was awarded the Silver Award in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme which recognises our support of the armed forces and their families in Hart.

Hart Community Covenant Partnership meets regularly to discuss issues affecting the community and to support the integration of service leavers into civilian life.
We're proud of our historic connections with the armed forces in Hart. Armed forces personnel, their families, veterans and reservists are all important members of our community.
These pages offer a range of information on topics such as finding a home after leaving the armed forces and applying for funds from the Armed Forces Community Covenant Fund.