Contact us
Where to find our office in Fleet and how to contact our main services

General enquiries
Please use our form to contact us about general enquiries, ask a question or report a problem.
Contact us about general enquiries
Customer services team
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Our webchat service enables you to speak online to a member of our Customer Services team without having to make a phone call or visit us.
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Webchat advisors can help with:
- abandoned vehicles
- bulky collections
- environmental health
- waste, recycling and garden waste
- licensing
- pest control
- trees
Unfortunately, we are unable to answer Council Tax or benefit enquiries via webchat. Please call 01252 622122 to speak to a Council Tax or Housing Benefit officer.
Report an issue
If you spot something that needs fixing, such as fly-tipping, graffiti or broken glass, you can report via:
Out of hours contact
If you need to contact us and cannot wait until the next working day, you can call our out of hours number on 01252 774477.
Hampshire Police deal with any emergencies on the highway. You can contact them by calling 101.
Council services and departments
Antisocial behaviour and Community Safety
Building Control including Building Regulations
Council Tax
Dogs service
To arrange a collection of a stray dog: 03444 828320
To reclaim a lost dog: 03444 828300
Drainage and flooding
Environmental Health
Housing, housing register and helping the homeless
Our duty officer for homelessness can be reached on 01252 774239 (office hours only)
Licensing including taxis, food and entertainment licences
Local Land Charges
Parking and parking enforcement
For Penalty Charge Notice payments: 01252 625991
Planning applications
Press and communications
Street cleaning and fly-tipping
Tree service
Waste and recycling including grass and glass collections
You should report a missed bin using our missed bin reporting form