Where to get advice

Impact Hart contains information on climate change and sustainability for the district

Act locally, impact globally

It’s hard deciding what to do to tackle climate change. But we all have the power to start living more sustainably.

There’s a mountain of advice out there explaining how to cut your personal carbon footprint and live more sustainably. If we do these things, we can make a difference in the battle against climate change.

Introducing Impact Hart

A lot of expert guidance is now available on Impact Hart, your community hub for all things climate change and sustainability. It’s based on the idea that local action in Hart, and thousands of other communities worldwide, will achieve global impact.

Impact Hart colour logo

The website offers advice in five sections:

  1. Sustainability – what it is and its connection to climate change

  2. Lifestyle – how to live more sustainably

  3. At home – how to cut the carbon footprint of homes in Hart

  4. Community – what groups in Hart are doing about climate change

  5. Business – how Hart businesses are sharing sustainability good practice

Impact Hart doesn’t have all the answers, but it does signpost you to advice from experts such as the Energy Saving Trust.

It also provides a forum for local people and groups to share information about events, volunteering and things they’re doing to make Hart more sustainable.

Contact Impact Hart about your sustainability news, group or event

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