Solar Together in Hart

A collective approach to buying solar panels and battery storage

Solar Together logo

REGISTRATIONS FOR SOLAR TOGETHER ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. More than 6,000 households in Hampshire registered in the 2023 round. Please use the link below if you'd like to express interest in a future round.

Solar Together is a group-buying scheme supported by Hampshire County Council and Hart District Council. It helps people get high-quality solar panels and battery storage at a competitive price.

If you already have solar panels installed, you can also register to have battery storage added to your existing solar panels to maximise the benefits of your system.

Express an interest in Solar Together in Hart

How does Solar Together work?

1. Registration: when the scheme is liveyou can register for free and without obligation. To register, you simply provide details about your roof, such as its size and orientation.

2. Auction: A reverse auction will be held where our pre-vetted solar installers will submit bids for the work. The more people that register, the better the deal should be for each household. The installer with the most competitive package will win the auction.

3. Personal recommendation: you will be emailed your personal recommendation based on your registration details. This includes your costs and specifications of your system.

4. You decide: the decision is then yours whether you want to accept your recommendation. There is no obligation to continue. We will let you know how long you have to accept your recommendation and update you before the scheme closes.

5. Installation: if you accept, the winning installer will contact you to survey your roof and set an installation date. 

Planning permission

Solar photovoltaic installations are considered a 'permitted development' and will generally not need planning permission. However, in some cases, such as in conservation areas and on listed buildings, planning permission may be required. Please go to our Planning pages for more information about conservation areas and listed buildings.

Helpdesk support

Telephone and email support are available throughout the process to help you make informed decisions.

About iChoosr

The Solar Together scheme is run by private company iChoosr. Before it entered the UK energy market in 2012, it focused on group-buying schemes in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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