Dial 999 if it is an emergency and someone is in danger
Hampshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for Hampshire. To report a flood, and for information on flooding, go to their Flood and water management page.
Depending on the cause of the flooding, your report will be directed to the relevant responsible authority, likely to be the Environment Agency, Hampshire County Council or a water company.
Reporting flooding this way helps to create a comprehensive record of flood events.
In a flooding emergency
Dial 999 if it is an emergency and someone is in danger.
To report a highways emergency that poses an immediate risk to the public, call Hampshire County Council on:
- 0300 555 1388 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- 101 outside office hours
Our role during a flood event
We do not manage flood events or provide sandbags to residents in the event of flooding. Hampshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for Hampshire.
If you need more information you can visit their Flood and water management page. You can buy sandbags and other flood management measures from builders’ merchants, hardware or DIY stores if required.
We are available to provide support to people who may become homeless because of a flooding event.
- If you have been made homeless, contact our Housing Team on 01252 774239 during office hours or 01252 774477 out of hours.
- If directed by Hampshire County or the Police, we may establish a rest centre as part of an Emergency Planning response.