Production type |
Production size |
Cost for up to 2 hours |
Cost per day (or part day) |
Commercial (includes stills) |
Small crew (up to 5 people) |
£100 + VAT |
£325 + VAT |
Commercial (includes stills) |
Medium crew (6 - 9 people) |
£175 + VAT |
£500 + VAT |
Commercial (includes stills) |
Large crew (10 or more people) |
By negotiation |
By negotiation |
Charity |
N/A |
Free of charge |
Free of charge |
Student |
N/A |
Free of charge |
Free of charge |
News/education |
N/A |
Free of charge |
Free of charge |
Additional fees
Event/activity |
Cost |
Drone filming |
Additional £50 + VAT |
Date changes |
First change is free, £25 + VAT per subsequent change |
Advice |
Free of charge |
Late notice applications |
No additional charge |
Please note:
The same charges apply across all Hart District Council land and assets with the exception of car parking, which will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Standard charges assume the land / asset remain open and that normal services are not disrupted - where this is not the case, charges will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis to account for any loss of income, costs incurred and service disruption.
Filming activity taking place in interior locations (internal use of assets) will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and may incur additional charges.
Bespoke requests may incur additional charges.
All fees and charges are subject to review and may change.