Landlord and Empty Homes Forum
Are you a local landlord? Join us at our upcoming free Landlord and Empty Homes Forum on Thursday 21 November from 6:10pm, at our offices in Fleet.
As the licensing authority, we regulate the sale of alcohol
The Licensing Act 2003 applies to premises in England and Wales that sell or supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or provide late night refreshment. It gives us an important role in regulating the sale and supply of alcohol in Hart.
For more information about licensing in Hart:
Read our joint statement of licensing policy
The licensing process is underpinned by the four licensing objectives:
Licensable activities as defined by the Act include:
Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell or supply alcohol in Hart must have a licence or other authorisation from the Council.
For more information about the law and the types of licence available, please visit the GOV.UK website, where you can also apply for an alcohol licence.
If you are carrying out or holding an event you may need a licence. The type of licence will depend on if it is a temporary event or, if you are looking for a longer term permission, you may need to apply for a premises licence.