Mindful nature walk
Enjoy a gentle walk around Fleet Pond connecting with the nature around you
Welcome to our Fleet Pond mindful nature walk.
This walk will help you connect with nature and your inner self. There are eight signs along the route to guide you through the circular walk.
If you enjoy the walk, why not pick up our free self-led mindful walk guide which you can use in any open green space, whether it's a park, woodland or a garden. Available from our council offices in Harlington Way, Fleet or download a copy.
Download mindful nature walk guide
How to enjoy this walk
- Pause and reflect: At each stop, take a moment to pause, observe and engage with your surroundings using your senses. There are benches at points 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, use them to take a break along your walk.
- Optional nature journalling: Feel free to use a sketchbook to record your thoughts or feelings. We’ve included journalling prompts at each stop, but it’s up to you if you want to use them.
Tips for a successful walk
- Go slow: This walk is about mindfulness, not speed. Take your time and move at a comfortable pace. At a steady pace this walk can take 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours.
- Stay present: Focus on what’s around you, using your senses to stay grounded in the moment.
- Be flexible: This guide is just that, a guide. Feel free to adapt it to suit your needs.
Map of walk

Directions and information
Directions to point one
From the car park, take the path to the right of the noticeboard towards the picnic area. Once you reach the picnic area, you’ll see a sign by the noticeboard, this is point one.
What3words location for point one: ///physical.hotspots.trustees
Google map pin for point one
Point one - Movement and body awareness
Instructions: Start by standing or sitting still and taking a deep breath. Slowly roll your shoulders and stretch, noticing how your body feels. Is there tension or relaxation? How does the ground feel beneath your feet?
Optional journalling: How do you feel as you begin your walk? You can sketch your surroundings or write about your initial impressions of the walk.
Directions to point two
Walk along the path to the right of the noticeboard. When you reach a crossroads at a bend to the right, follow this downhill, and at the bottom of the hill turn left. Follow this path for a while until you reach a crossroads, take the path to the right. Walk along the boardwalk beside the butterfly interpretation board. At the end of the boardwalk, you will find the sign for point 2 by the benches.
What3words location for point two: ///simulations.bombard.circulate
Google map pin for point two
Point two - Sight
Instructions: Find a spot with a clear view. Spend a few minutes simply observing. Notice the colours, shapes and patterns. Look for details like the texture of a leaf or the play of light and shadow. What stands out to you?
Optional journaling: Sketch something that catches your eye or write about what you can see. How does the scenery make you feel?
Directions to point three
Walk over the bridge and follow the path. When you reach a crossroads, take the path to the right. There will be another crossroads shortly after the first one, stay on the right-hand path. When you walk out of the treeline you will see on either side of you gates to the fields - stop here for point three.
What3words location for point three: ///shirt.remembers.ramming
Google map pin for point three
Point three - Sound
Instructions: Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you. Can you hear birds, rustling leaves or distant voices? What’s the quietest sound you can detect?
Optional journalling: List or draw the sounds you notice. You could sketch what you think is making these sounds or reflect on how these sounds make you feel.
Directions to point four
Walk towards the crossroads by the noticeboard. Take the path to the right. Walk along this path until you reach two benches surrounded by trees with a view - this is point four.
What3words location for point four: ///awakening.charm.commenced
Google map pin for point four
Point four - Touch
Instructions: Explore what’s around you by touching things like tree bark, leaves, grass or stones. Notice the different textures, rough and smooth, warm and cool.
Optional journalling: You might do a texture rubbing or sketch a close-up of what you’ve touched. Write about how these sensations feel.
Directions to point five
Keep following the path. You will reach a crossroads just after a bridge, stay on the right-hand path. Shortly after this there will be another bridge on your left. Stay on the path passing the bridge. Follow this path until you reach the boat fishing jetty with the noticeboard - this is point five.
What3words location for point five: ///suddenly.soups.mats
Google map pin for point five
Point five - Smell
Instructions: Take a deep breath and notice the scents around you. Smell the earth, water, plants or air. How do the scents change as you move?
Optional journalling: Describe or draw the smells you notice. Do they bring back any memories? How do they make you feel?
Directions to point six
Keep following the path around the pond until you reach a crossroads by the train station. Take the path to your right and follow this until you find a sign by a T shaped fishing jetty - this is point six.
What3words location for point six: ///icebergs.fuzzy.fault
Google map pin for point six
Point six - Temperature and weather
Instructions: Pause and consider the weather. Is it warm, cool, breezy or still? How does the air feel on your skin? Look at the sky and consider the weather and how it makes you feel.
Optional journalling: How does the weather impact your experience? You can sketch the sky or describe the weather and how it makes you feel.
Directions to point seven
Follow the path around the pond until you reach a clearing with a view to the pond and a noticeboard - this is point seven.
What3words location for point seven: ///dustbin.appoints.pose
Google map pin for point seven
Point seven - Breath
Instructions: Take a few deep breaths, focus on the feeling of air moving in and out of your body. Notice how deep breathing can make you feel calm and clear.
Optional journalling: How do you feel after focusing on your breath? Draw something that makes you think of calm or stillness
Directions to point eight
At the noticeboard, take the path to the right. As you walk along this path you will find a four-way crossroads. Take the uphill zigzag path to your left. Once at the top of the path, turn right and you’ll walk back into the picnic area - this is point eight and the end of your walk.
What3words location for point eight: ///drew.shredder.easygoing
Google map pin for point eight
Point eight - Reflection
Instructions: As you near the end of your walk, take a moment to reflect on your experience. How do you feel now compared to when you started? What did you enjoy most?
Optional journalling: Write about or draw your favourite part of the walk. Did you learn something along the walk?
Thank you for taking this mindful journey into nature, whether you simply went for a walk or journalled along your way. We hope this walk has helped you connect with nature and with yourself.
We created this walk with the support of the Here for Hart community network and is part of Hampshire County Council's sensory walks in nature trails.