Community funding supports Hart residents

Three children in a line with two of them holding a plate of cookies

Community groups that received Council funding to support Hart families have described the difference the grants have made to the services they provide.

Earlier this year we made seven awards to local organisations from our Winter Grants Scheme for projects that increased standards of living and wellbeing within local communities.

The funded initiatives include cooking sessions, food pantries and community hubs.

Christians Against Poverty, which received funding to run ‘Cook well for less’ sessions in Fleet and Church Crookham, said: “Since receiving the grant, we have run two workshops and we’re planning to run a third over the summer for everyone aged five to 70! They create such a sense of happiness and provide skills to be used at home, enabling people to cook for friends and family.”

Fleet Phoenix received funding for their Open Door project, providing food, hygiene products, clothing and other day-to day living help. They said: “The funding has enabled us to take on two volunteer trainee counsellors, making a massive difference to the young people we have worked with. It has also helped us to support 43 families with school uniform, clothing, shoes, winter support and fuel issues.

“The feedback from families and young people has shown we are making a difference in supporting them to make ends meet, giving them an opportunity to 'start again’ and improve their mental health and family relationships.”

Yateley Industries received a grant to support a community pantry and warm space service. They said: “The Winter Grant has helped our pantry keep running smoothly and paid for the cost of picking up donations several times a week, as well as helping towards our community cafe. It has been a benefit all round.”

The other funded groups were:

  • St Barnabus Church - set up a community hub at the Darby Green Centre running alongside their food pantry.
  • The Over 55s Forum - put the money towards meals and social events in Hartley Wintney
  • Young Carers – ran ‘Cook and Eat’ sessions teaching children and teenagers how to cook simple dishes and snacks in Hook and Farnborough for carers across Hart.
  • Hartley Wintney WI – funding for a new cooker for use by community groups.

Watch this space!

Look out for further funding opportunities later this year.

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