Hart District Council has taken a big step towards its climate change commitments and installed solar panels on its office building in Fleet.
The Civic Offices in Harlington Way has had 121 PV solar panels added to the roof, which should generate as much as 57,000kWh of electricity a year – the equivalent of powering 20 average homes each year. This will save a huge 11.5 tonnes of CO2 per year, the equivalent of over 11 hot air balloons of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere each year.
The installation has been possible due to close work with Portsmouth City Council who procured and managed the project, ensuring the best value for money for Hart. The pay-back on investment could be in as little as seven to ten years, and any excess electricity will be sold back to the grid for a modest income for the Council.
Councillor David Neighbour, Leader of Hart District Council, said: “This is an important investment for the Council, and a sensible one given the steep increases in energy prices that are affecting us all. Our solar panels will not only help shield us from future energy price increases but make a huge difference to our carbon footprint as a council.”
Hart District Council has committed to becoming a carbon neutral district by 2040 and will work with partners and local communities to achieve this goal, drawing on local, national and global best practice.
To learn more about solar panel installation please visit:
Residents - Energy Saving Trust Solar Panel Guide: https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/advice/solar-panels/
Local organisations and businesses - Building a Sustainable Future: https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/business/
Pictured: Councillor David Neighbour (left) and Daryl Phillips, Chief Executive for Hart District Council with one of the solar panels