Hart District Council have successfully prosecuted a man who dumped building waste including asbestos in a local field. He has been fined £3,800 after being found guilty of two offences at Basingstoke Magistrates Court.
The man had been replacing a roof on a property in Blackwater before fly-tipping the building waste from this work and other personal waste in a field in Odiham.
The owner of the field had to pay to clear the waste, including disposing of asbestos. Hart District Council have recovered these costs for him as part of the prosecution action.
When clearing the fly-tipping, a satellite navigation device was found in the waste, which helped lead investigators to the person responsible.
Mark Jaggard, Executive Director for Place Services at Hart District Council, said “Fly-tipping is a criminal offence which damages our environment and heavily impacts landowners whose property is blighted by this crime. We’ll continue to work to combat fly-tipping in Hart.”