The Government has committed to addressing the national housing crisis by announcing an overhaul of the planning system. These proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework will apply across the country, including here in Hart.
Under new planning guidance, councils across the country will have a duty to build more homes. This government consultation includes a proposal that Hart must increase its delivery of new homes in the district. Hart’s current delivery target is 297 homes each year, while the proposal is to raise this to 734 each year.
You can find more information on these proposed reforms on www.gov.uk at: Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system
The Government is now seeking views on its proposed approach and a series of wider policy proposals, and a consultation has been opened. You can respond until 11:45pm on 24 September 2024.
Ways to respond to the consultation
- Respond online
- Email to: PlanningPolicyConsultation@communities.gov.uk
- Write to:
Planning Policy Consultation Team
Planning Directorate – Planning Policy Division
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Floor 3, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street