Hart District Council is consulting on new planning guidance which, alongside the Hart Local Plan, will help shape new development in Hart.
The public consultation is running for six weeks from Friday 12 May to Friday 23 June on two supplementary planning documents entitled Cycle and Car Parking in New Developments and Viability Appraisals for New Developments.
These documents and information on how to respond can be found by searching for ‘Consultations’ on our website or by visiting our Consultations page.
The parking guidance has a strong emphasis on cycle parking, to encourage active travel and reduce carbon emissions. The viability guidance will help to maximise developer contributions towards affordable homes and infrastructure for new developments.
Encouraging more cycling and walking within the district by improving infrastructure and removing barriers is a key objective within the Council’s Corporate Plan 2023-2027. The Cycle and Car Parking in New Developments document will work towards this objective and reflect other priorities such making Hart a carbon neutral district by 2040.
These new cycle parking standards will also complement the Council’s vision for a Green Grid, including a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, due for consultation in June.
Councillor Graham Cockarill, portfolio holder for Place, said: “We are seeking views on this new guidance which will help us deliver on some key priorities.
“Parking is a vital part of good design. Convenient and secure cycle storage will encourage cycling - a positive for climate change and healthy lifestyles.
“The viability guidance will help us to maximise the all-important developer contributions and provide more affordable homes, social rented homes and affordable market rented homes for local people, as identified in our Corporate Plan 2023-2027.
“These documents, together with our up-to-date Local Plan, Corporate Plan, neighbourhood plans, and other guidance, will help us to continue delivering the right developments, in the right places, at the right time.”