Residents and organisations across Hart are being asked to take part in a new study by Hart District Council to understand the potential for regeneration and growth within our existing towns and villages.
We are asking communities to highlight possible sites and regeneration opportunities through our Settlement Capacity and Intensification Study.
This will help indicate how many new homes could potentially be accommodated in our settlements without the need to build on green fields.
The study is part of preparation work to address any increase of housing numbers for Hart as a result of a change in government housing policy.
It is important that the Council produces evidence to underpin any plans to address this future need and to give residents an informed choice when it comes to future consultation on how to deliver any new housing target.
Councillor Graham Cockarill, portfolio holder for Planning Policy and Place, said: “This is a proactive step to gain a better understanding of the opportunities for regeneration and new homes. Our study will be of immense benefit when we start work, in time, on the next local plan.
“This early work, focusing on brownfield sites and regeneration, will help us in our thinking for a future plan.”
Suggestions can be submitted online, by email or in writing.
For more information and to make your submissions, please visit www.hart.gov.uk/settlement-capacity.