Landlord and Empty Homes Forum
Are you a local landlord? Join us at our upcoming free Landlord and Empty Homes Forum on Thursday 21 November from 6:10pm, at our offices in Fleet.
How to report a vehicle you think might be abandoned
Before you report a vehicle to us as abandoned, you can check if the vehicle is taxed on the DVLA's website. If the vehicle is taxed, we are unlikely to be able to do anything unless it is in a dangerous condition.
You can report a vehicle as abandoned if more than one of the following criteria apply:
You should try to provide us with as much information as possible about the vehicle, including:
If the abandoned vehicle you have reported to us subsequently moves, let us know to help us avoid making unnecessary visits to investigate.
You can report the issue via FixMyStreet and a report will be sent through to us.
We will make the relevant checks to see if the vehicle has been stolen and establish the current keeper. Should our investigation confirm it is abandoned, we will remove it.