We are responsible for naming and numbering the streets in Hart.
Please see our street naming and numbering policy for more information about this.
Changing the name of your property
To ask about changing the name of your property, please email streetnames@hart.gov.uk.
We charge a fee for this service – please see fees below.
Help with an incorrect or unknown address
You may be unsure of your correct address – perhaps because you are buying or renting a new-build property. Please contact our street naming and numbering officer for advice on 01252 774154 or email streetnames@hart.gov.uk.
Royal Mail is responsible for allocating postcodes once we have notified them of a new postal address. More information on how this is processed is on the Royal Mail website.
Land Registry
HM Land Registry holds information on all registered land within Hart. Contact them on 0300 006 0411 or visit the Land Registry website.
Damaged or missing street signs
We are responsible for putting up, repairing, maintaining and replacing street name plates. You can report a damaged or missing street sign by emailing infrastructure@hart.gov.uk.
On new developments, the developer is responsible for putting up street signs.
All other signs associated with highways are the responsibility of Hampshire County Council.
Street naming and numbering fees
Existing development
Renumbering, naming or re-naming a property: £55
Renaming a street: £270
New development
First plot: £190
Each additional plot (up to 20): £40
Each additional plot (21 and above): £20
Naming a street
Free of charge for first one.
We will charge the same rates as above for each subsequent change made before a new development is completed.
Pay online