Service area covered by this privacy notice
Countryside Services
Purpose of the processing
The Council processes personal information to enable Countryside Services to carry out its duty and functions, to provide you with a service, and to continue to make service improvements.
Some of our locations have wildlife cameras which you may be recorded on when you visit.
These devices are used to watch wildlife. Recordings will only be viewed in secure environment and footage is stored for a set period, after which it is recorded over/destroyed. Only wildlife footage will be kept. Any potential ‘accidental’ images of people, which are highly unlikely to be recorded, will be deleted immediately.
Lawful basis for processing personal data
- public task
- contract
- legal obligation
- consent
- legitimate interests
Categories of personal data being processed
- name
- address
- telephone number
- email address
- age
- fishing rod licence number
- property photos (trees, hedges etc.)
- photos
- moving images
- bank card details
- company name
- lead contact
- agent
- agent contact details
- signature
- insurance information
- criminal offence data
Special categories of personal data being processed
- accident/near miss report details (name, address, telephone number, age (if under 21), reference, day, date, time, exact location, nature of injuries, details of accident/near miss, action taken, details of casualty hospitalisation, witness name, address and telephone number, exact location of injuries, name and job title HDC staff, name and signature line manager)
- health information (for safeguarding)
Conditions for processing special categories of personal data
- legal claims or judicial acts
- employment, social security and social protection (if authorised by law)
- substantial public interest
Who the data might be shared with
- contractors
- Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
- relevant staff
- organisations
- interested groups
- agents
- UniForm