Private Sector Housing: privacy
Service area covered by this privacy notice
Private Sector Housing
Purpose of the processing
The Council processes personal information for the following purposes:
- to maintain property standards
- to administer disabled facilities and other property grants and financial assistance
- for tenancy relations
- to record caravan sites
- for information on unauthorised encampments
- to assess that someone is a fit and proper person to manage a caravan site
Lawful basis for processing personal data
- public task
Categories of personal data being processed
- name
- address
- telephone number
- email address
- date of birth
- 'AIS' number
- financial information including bank details
- vehicle registration
- proof of address
- income and benefits documents
- site name and address
- status
- entry effective
- conditions attached
- number of conditions applicable
- date conditions satisfied
- date conditions varied
Special categories of personal data being processed (if appropriate)
- disability details
- proof of identity
Conditions for processing special categories of personal data
- substantial public interest
- employment
- social security and social protection (if authorised by law)
Who the data might be shared with
- Hampshire County Council
- occupational therapists (private and local authority)
- contractors
- relevant staff
- councillors
- Capita
- Department for Work and Pensions