This Privacy Notice is provided within the context of the changes required by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
This document is subject to ongoing review to make sure it continues to align with the requirements of all applicable legislation.
Service description
This document sets out what personal information is processed by me in my capacity as a councillor.
I am the Data Controller for the purpose of processing the personal data of my constituents who contact me as their ward councillor. You can contact me using the contact details provided on this website.
The reasons I use your data
I will use your personal data primarily to process your request for assistance or respond to your enquiry.
Why I am allowed to use your data
I am allowed to use your personal data as part of my public task, as a councillor, or because you have given me your consent because you have asked me to do something on your behalf.
Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act covers the processing of personal data by elected representatives responding to requests.
The categories of personal data obtained
This will generally include your name, address and contact information together with details of your problem or concern. I may also have information relating to your financial situation where this is relevant to your enquiry.
Special category data
It may be necessary for me to collect what the UK GDPR has classed as special category data which includes: race or ethnic group, sexuality and sexual life, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic and biometric data, physical or mental health, as well as criminal convictions.
In order to process special category data, I need to identify a separate condition for processing under Article 9.
Where I get your information from
I get your personal information from you, other constituents, groups or members of the public in relation to matters which they have been asked to pursue in the interests of individuals and groups who live in their ward.
How will I use your personal information
Your personal information will be included as part of details of cases of interest, as part of information provided by signatories on petitions, responses to questionnaires and contact details for the purpose of communicating news and updates.
Who I can share your data with
I will need to share your personal data with officers at Hart District Council in order to progress your enquiry. Where necessary, I will also share your data with other councillors in my ward.
I may also need to share your data with Hampshire County Council, your local MP or other organisations, such as Housing Associations or the NHS, if the matter you have raised with me isn’t covered by Hart District Council. I will let you know who I will share your data with.
How long I will keep your data for
I will keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary in relation to the issue you have raised.
Once the issue you have raised has been resolved I will dispose of your personal data within a reasonable time period. This is likely to be between six months after your matter has been finalised and four years, or to the end of my term as councillor.
This is to allow me to build up case history and to return to your records should further matters arise.
Your rights
The Data Protection Act in conjunction with the UK GDPR grants you a number of rights including:
- the right to ask us to provide you with copies of personal information we hold about you at any time, known as a subject access request
- the right to object to the use of your personal information for certain type of processing, such as direct marketing or automated processing, including profiling
- the right to ask us to delete, update and correct any out-of-date or incorrect personal information that we hold about you
- the right to opt out at any time where you have given consent and to have your data erased where you have given consent.
- you are entitled to receive a copy of your records without charge and within a month
For more information on how your personal information is processed and how to make a subject access request, please contact me directly. My details can be found on Hart District Council’s website:
How I will keep your data secure
If you provide data to me electronically, via email to my Hart District Council email address, this will be held securely in the Cloud. Access to this information is restricted by password to me. If you provide me with hard copy information, I will ensure it is kept securely.
Further information
If you would like to know more about how I use your information, please contact me directly. My details can be found on Hart District Council’s website:
How do I complain?
You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113