Landlord and Empty Homes Forum
Are you a local landlord? Join us at our upcoming free Landlord and Empty Homes Forum on Thursday 21 November from 6:10pm, at our offices in Fleet.
A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Carer Support and Dementia Advice Service for Hampshire supports all carers aged 18 and above who provide care for an adult. It offers one-to-one support, peer support groups, workshops and training.
For referral by a GP, other professionals or self-referral:
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire provides a range of services for carers including support groups, counselling, emergency planning, and advice and guidance.
Up to 48 hours of free care may be available for the person you care for in the event of an emergency. No adult services assessment is needed.
Hart and Rushmoor Young Carers supports carers aged 7 to 25 years. It provides young carers’ clubs and opportunities for members to go on day and residential trips. It can also provide family support.
To find local health services, including GPs, dentists and pharmacists, visit the NHS Choices website.
Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership provides help and access to support services for:
Contact the Hampshire Domestic Abuse Advice Line for victims on 03300 165 112 (open 9.30am to 8.00pm, Monday to Friday. Access to refuge is available 24/7 if required).