Employment and skills

Support in work


Waythrough offers employment services that  can help you build the confidence and skills you need to stay in your current job or to find a new one.

To find out more about the support provided and the referral process, please contact:


Yateley Industries

Yateley Industries is a pan disability organisation, working and supporting people with physical disabilities, mental health conditions, learning disabilities and neurodiversity. They provide supported employment and offer a new Job Coach Service which helps young people aged 18-35 find, maintain and progress at workplaces 'in the real world'. This service also supports disabled and neurodiverse adults in their setting and also out in the wider community.

To find out about the Job Coach Service offered, please call: 01252 872337 or email jobcoach@yateleyindustries.net


Finding a job can be an anxious time. Maximus offers support to people who have a disability, health condition or criminal record, or have just been out of work for a while. More details on the Maximus UK website

Health, wellbeing and looking for work

Every Mind Matters provides expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing while looking for work. You can find also local support and national helplines on our mental health and wellbeing guide. If you are living with a disability or health condition, including problems with mental health, you could find additional support through:

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