District-wide activities
Supporting everyone in Hart to become a carbon-neutral district by 2040
Activities will include helping people in private sector housing find the grants they need to make their homes more energy efficient.
The Council will also work on energy efficiency with landlords and other partners, such as housing associations.
It plans to work with UK Power Networks, the company that maintains electricity networks, to support the maintenance and development of local power infrastructure.
Tree strategy
We're working with stakeholders, such as Hampshire County Council, Forestry Commission, Network Rail and the Ministry of Defence, to develop a tree strategy for the district. This will ensure good, healthy tree cover in Hart and deliver health, wildlife and climate-resilience benefits.
Green Grid framework
The Hart Green Grid framework is a new initiative aimed at improving the quality of life and the environment within our district. By creating a network of green corridors, this framework will connect communities, enhance access to green spaces and promote sustainable living.
Other district-wide initiatives will include:
promoting biodiversity
rolling out more electric-vehicle charging points