An inspector will visit all premises before granting a licence, to ensure licence conditions are met.
Inspectors use the risk rating and scoring method created by DEFRA. They determine how many years your licence may be granted for (either one, two or three years) and the star rating.
They may award from one to five stars, based on the assessed risk and welfare standards at the premises.
Animal activity star rating system
Risk level
Minor failings
Minimum standards
Higher standards
1 star rating
1-year licence
1 unannounced visit within 12 months
3-star rating
2-year licence
1 unannounced visit within 24 months
5-star rating
3-year licence
1 unannounced visit within 36 months
1-star rating
1-year licence
Al least 1 unannounced visit within 12 months
2-star rating
1-year licence
Al least 1 unannounced visit within 12 months
4-star rating
2-year licence
At least 1 unannounced visit within 24 months
This scheme does not apply to businesses that keep or train animals for exhibition, which will all receive a three-year licence.
New businesses are assessed as higher risk simply because there is no history of good practice that can be considered. If you have any concerns, please contact the Animal Welfare team before making a purchase or booking arrangements.
If you are unhappy with the decision on your application, you can make improvements to address highlighted issues and then ask for a reinspection. You can also appeal against the decision.
Apply for a reinspection
Appeal an animal activity rating decision