Pre-application advice
We offer a pre-application advice service. This can help you identify and overcome potential issues and speed up the application process. This may help to minimise the costs of planning applications or avoid submitting an unacceptable proposal.
Please read our planning pre-application fees for this service based on the nature of the proposal. You can pay online.
Our Planning Service Fees are increasing from the 1 April 2025. The 2025/26 Fees can be seen here.
Please submit the following information:
- a map which shows the location of the property with local roads and neighbouring properties
- a specific proposal, including where on the property the development will take place
- sketches or drawings of the proposed development, ideally to scale. However, it is more important that we get a clear idea of what you intend to apply for. Photos of the property as it is today are always very useful.
Pre-application advice request form
Pre-application advice for listed buildings can determine whether proposed works are repairs which may not require an application for listed building consent or replacement / development which would require an application for listed building consent.
Any advice we give will be accurate, objective and given in good faith. It will not prejudice the eventual outcome of your application. The level of advice will depend upon the level of information you supply from the start. You should always carry out your own independent surveys and research.
Free advice
We also offer free advice for general householder queries. If you would like advice about specific proposed works please see the above information regarding pre-application advice.
If you would like to know if your proposed works are likely to need planning permission please see the 'Check if you need planning permission step'.
For general information, please contact our planning advisor on 01252 774419, or by emailing You can also visit the council offices.
Please note this service is available between 10.00am and 1.00pm, Tuesday – Thursday.
This service does not apply to commercial advice or new dwellings.
View pre-application requests
To ensure fairness and transparency, we publish all pre-application requests. You should state clearly in your pre-application request if you think it includes financially sensitive material. Any non-commercially financially sensitive parts of a pre-application request will still be published.