4 July 2024: Information for candidates and agents

Useful information and links to nomination packs and guidance for the General Election on 4 July 2024

Please check the information provided by the Electoral Commission in connection with this poll and ensure that you comply with all deadlines and statutory requirements. You can find out more about these on the Electoral Commission Website

You can find information about the UK Parliamentary General election, relevant for electors and your supporters on our webpage for voters.

We'll post information relevant to agents, independent candidates or parish candidates on this webpage. You're advised to check our web pages and the Electoral Commission website for information as they will be updated frequently. We'll mainly communicate with you via our website. 

Last updated: 07 June 2024.


Candidate and agent election letter

Hart District Council has produced a letter for candidates for the UK Parliamentary General Election (UKPGE). This is in place of the usual guidance packs.

Register request

Candidates and agents are eligible to request the electoral register. Please complete the relevant form and return to us.

Ballot paper colours

  • UKPGE - white

Polling stations

Candidate expenses

Candidate elector figures for the UK Parliamentary General Election being held on 4 July 2024.

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