Options for older people

Older people's shared ownership

The older people’s shared ownership (OPSO) scheme is a government-backed shared ownership scheme for people aged 55 and over. It helps people who would like to buy a home but cannot afford the full purchase price. 

You buy part of a property and pay rent on the remainder. You can buy further shares in the property, up to a maximum of 75%. After this point, you won’t pay any rent. 

  • the scheme is available in England only
  • to be eligible, your household income must be less than £80,000 (£90,000 in London)
  • the scheme is only for older people who are first-time buyers or who have previously owned a home but can’t afford to buy one now

More information about OPSO

Anchor housing shared ownership for older people

Shared ownership available in Hart

Location Age Type Owner
The Signals, Hook 55+ 45 x 2-bed flats Anchor
Parsons Row, Odiham 55+ 2 x 2-bed houses Abri