Types of affordable housing

Learn more about potential affordable housing options

Affordable housing helps people who can't afford to buy homes on the open market or rent private housing.

Rented affordable housing

This includes different types and levels of rent. If you want to apply for a rented affordable property in Hart, you need to be on our housing register and apply (bid) for rented homes. These are advertised on our website each week.

Social rent 

Social rents are typically 60-65% of open market rent levels for an equivalent property. They usually don't include service charges, which may be charged on top of the rent. 

Affordable rent 

Affordable rent homes are let at below market rent, often through a housing association. The rent (including service charge) is set at up to 80% of the local market rent for an equivalent home. 

Service charges  

You may be charged a weekly/monthly service charge. This may be on top of the rent you pay or included within the rent charge, depending on the type of tenancy you hold. This is to cover costs of things such as landscaping and the upkeep of communal areas.

Shared ownership (part rent, part buy)

Please go to our page on low-cost home ownership.

Older person's shared ownership 

Find out more about older person's shred ownership on our options for older people page.

Home ownership for people with long-term disabilities (HOLD)

Find out more about home ownership under the HOLD scheme on our low-cost home ownership page.

Community-led housing 

Community-led housing is a general term for housing models where residents and communities have a central role in the development and management of where they live. They are sometimes referred to as collaborative housing.

Community-led housing can offer an opportunity for communities to develop homes which meet the housing needs of local people.

Community land trusts are democratic, non-profit organisations that own and develop land for the benefit of the community. They typically provide affordable homes, community gardens, civic buildings, pubs, shops, shared workspace, energy schemes and conservation landscapes.

Further information about Community-led housing can be found be visiting the following websites:


Charitable organisations can provide affordable housing in the form of almshouses. These are usually houses or flats made available at affordable costs. You will have to meet certain criteria to qualify for an almshouse. You can find more information on our Almshouses page.

First Homes

If you’re a first-time buyer, you may be able to buy a home for 30% less than its market value. The home must be your only or main residence.

This offer is called the First Homes scheme.

The home can be:

  • a new home built by a developer
  • a home you buy through an es
  • estate agent, which someone else bought before through the scheme

For more information, please see Government First Homes Guidance