Looking after a friend or relative (unpaid carers)

Looking after a friend or relative (unpaid carers)

Find out about the help available if you look after a relative or friend who couldn't cope without your support (unpaid carer)

A carer is anyone who provides unpaid support for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. Unpaid carers (sometimes referred to as informal or family carer) have certain rights and support. The following support and help are available for unpaid carers in Hart.

The information on this page is also available as a leaflet:

Download information on support for unpaid carers

Download discounts available to carers

Hampshire Carer Support Service

Princess Royal Trust for Carers provide the carer support service for Hampshire County Council. 

They can help you with:

  • creating a free emergency plan
  • one-to-one support tailored to your needs
  • advice and information
  • energy related support

Contacting them is a great first step to getting information and support so you can understand your rights.

Princess Royal Trust for Carers website

Get a free carer's assessment

A carer’s assessment is to find out about your needs and how you may be able to get help. Anyone who may need support in their caring role has a right to a carer’s assessment. Following the assessment, you may be eligible to receive services which Hampshire County Council will help you access.

Before requesting a carer’s assessment, you can use Hampshire County Council’s online needs checker using the website below.

Request a carer's assessment (Hampshire County Council)

Take a break

Arrange a break for your own health and wellbeing. As well as these options, you may wish to consider finding an activity on the Here for Hart Directory (www.hereforhartdirectory.org.uk)

Take a break (Hampshire County Council)

You may be offered up to three hours a week free respite care following your carer’s assessment.

Take a break service (Hampshire County Council)

Connect to Support Hampshire

You can arrange your own paid-for care. This directory has many providers listed and a wealth of information for carers, such as understanding your rights, online resources, financial support and more.

Connect to Support Hampshire website

Register with your GP as a carer

Let your GP practice know you are a carer so they can offer the best help, support and information. 

Support differs between practices, but it can include:

  • free health checks
  • an annual flu jab
  • access to a social prescriber (or equivalent) for support
  • flexibility with doctors' appointments
  • support for your physical and mental health to enable you to continue to care

Contact your GP directly to register as a carer

Get financial support

You may be able to access financial support if your caring duties are affecting your finances.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to:

  • claim carer’s allowance and other benefits
  • cut down your household bills with council tax reductions, home upgrades to reduce your energy bills or a free or discounted TV licence
  • have contributions towards your state pension covered by the government
  • get help with NHS prescriptions and health costs
  • ensure the person you care for is also getting the financial support they are entitled to
Online benefits checker

Go to our online benefits checker

Citizens Advice Hart

Citizens Advice Hart website

Access discounts for carers

Some places offer services at discounted rates for carers, especially when accompanying the person they care for. The following are some discounts Hart District Council offers. We have also put together a list of discounts for unpaid carers.

Council Tax discount

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for a discount or exemption from paying your Council Tax. The types of discounts that may be most applicable to you are: 

  • carers discount
  • disabled person reduction
  • severe mental impairment

Council Tax discounts

Free blue badge parking

Blue Badge holders clearly displaying a valid blue badge can park in any marked bay in Hart District Council’s pay and display car parks, free of charge.

Apply for a blue badge (Hampshire County Council)

Free or discounted leisure access

Everyone Active provide the following discounts for unpaid carers:

  • free gym and swim while assisting the person they care for
  • concession membership for when carers use the centre themselves

There are also additional reduced rates memberships for disabled individuals (advanced rate of PIP) and individuals with Parkinson's. 

Hart Leisure Centre 

Hart Leisure Centre website

Frogmore Leisure Centre

Frogmore Leisure Centre website

Find groups and further support in Hart

There are different organisations in Hart that offer different support. Most groups and support are free and it is usually possible to self-refer.

For a full list of carer support organisations in Hart visit the Here for Hart Directory

Here for Hart Directory