The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme is operated by the Food Standards Agency in partnership with local authorities. It is a national scheme designed to help people make informed choices about where they eat or shop for food and to encourage food businesses to keep good hygiene standards.
Food businesses in Hart, inspected by food hygiene inspectors, are rated on their hygiene standards from 0 (urgent improvement is required) to 5 (very good).
The scheme covers a range of businesses where customers can eat or buy food. This includes:
- restaurants
- takeaways
- cafes
- sandwich shops
- pubs
- hotels
- supermarkets and other shops selling food
View the rating of food businesses in Hart on the FSA website.
View an FSA video about the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
You can request a re-rating inspection at any time after your inspection, but first you must put right any issues identified at the time of inspection. We charge for this service
Your rating can go down, go up or remain the same following your re-rating visit.
We charge £201 for a re-rating visit
Request a re-rating visit
A business's right to reply
Your right to reply allows you to tell customers how your business has improved its hygiene standards, or if there were unusual circumstances at the time of inspection. We’ll publish this response online alongside the rating.
Complete right to reply form online
Download the right to reply form
You can also appeal if you do not agree with the hygiene rating given to your business following a recent inspection.
Download the appeal form
Return the form to
For further information, please visit the Food Standards Agency website.
Low-risk food businesses
If your food business has previously been inspected and classified as low-risk (Category E) you may be sent a self-assessment questionnaire that must be completed and returned to us within 21 days. Completion of the questionnaire will usually remove the need for a physical inspection by an officer.
You won't be sent a new Food Hygiene Rating Scheme rating or sticker if you are a low-risk Category E food business. Only food businesses that receive a physical inspection will be subject to a new rating/sticker.
You should only complete the form if you have received an email or letter from us advising you to do so. You'll be given a unique reference number to put on the form.
Apply for a food hygiene inspection