Landlord and Empty Homes Forum
Are you a local landlord? Join us at our upcoming free Landlord and Empty Homes Forum on Thursday 21 November from 6:10pm, at our offices in Fleet.
You can apply for a provisional statement while your premises are being built, extended or altered so they can be used for one or more licensable activities. The provisional statement will give you a good idea of how likely you are to gain a premises licence for your premises.
Apply for a provisional statement
A provisional statement does not convert into a premises licence once construction is complete. You still need to apply when your premises are ready.
Include details of the proposed licensable activities, such as sale of alcohol or live music, and give timings.
Outline how you will promote the four licensing objectives:
Your application must include:
You can appeal against any conditions attached to your licence or a decision made by us within 21 days of receiving the decision on your application. You should apply to the magistrates' court in writing. The Licensing Act does not allow appeals against a suspension notice.